What I'm up to Now
Updated: 11/12/2024 (December)
I'll update this section at least 1 time a month
💠 What's most important in this period
- Speedrunning updates for this website
- Mantaining other areas of my life
💭 Reflecting
8h work-days aren't real, more like "6h" maximum of actual work
- we lose ~35 minutes every 2 hours straight of work, for a total of ~2h20m time lost "working" (5h40m)
- why?
- random interruptions every 2 hours for 15 minutes
- loss of productivity after 2 hours straight (needs at least 20m rest or you'll lose even more time being unproductive)
📚 Reading
Meditations - Marco Aurelio (stoicism)
Recently finished reading
Show your work! - Austin Kleon - amazon
Possible next reads
Leonardo da Vinci's biography
🎵 Listening
Dark classical - yt
Calm forest - yt
My favorites
Mr.Kitty • After Dark - yt - That's hardly going anywhere, finding something better it's being harder than expected
Past obsessions
Night Drive with Ryan Gosling - yt
Retrowave Covers Vol. 1 - yt
Playlist for studying alone late night. - yt
If you don't know why this /now page exists, go there